The will of the Reverend John Myers of Edenham

The will of the Rev. John Myers of Edenham, Shipley Hall and Dunningwell. To his son John he left all his lands in Morton, Ruskington and Hanthorp, his house in Francis Street (off Tottenham Court Road), and his Estates in Cumberland. However, his daughter Ann (widow of the Rev Miles Mason) was to be allowed to continue occupying her house in Retford rent free, but also to have free use of his mansion house called 'Dunningwell' in Cumberland, along with enough land to keep her horses and cows; she also got a very generous annuity of £800 and half the plate. There was also an annuity of £10 to his sister Elizabeth Betts, of £20 to his sister Hannah Duggan, and one of £20 to Ann Shepherd, an illegitimate granddaughter by his son Charles. A servant named Thomas Bishall was to be able to rent at a reasonable price a farm in Cumberland, provided he marry Mrs Wilson, and Elizabeth Hamilton, widow of the Rev Thomas Hamilton, got £20 for mourning. The residue went to his son John.

This is the last Will and Testament of me The Reverend John Myers of Shipley in the Parish of Bradford in the County of York Clerk made this thirtieth day of March in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty one in manner following that is to say I give and devise unto my The Reverend John Myers All my Freehold Estates situate lying and being in Ruskington Morton and Hanthorp or elsewhere in the County of Lincoln To hold to him my said Son his heirs and assigns for ever I give and bequeath unto my said Son John Myers all all that my Leasehold Messuages or Tenements in Francis Street Tottenham Court Road in the County of Middlesex with all the Rights Messuages and Appurtenances thereunto belonging and late in the tenure or occupation of David Dow or his undertenants or assigns To hold to him my said Son his executors admors and assigns according to my estate and interest therein Also I give devise and bequeath unto my said Son all and every my estates situate lying and being in the County of Cumberland and of what ?? Or kind soever To hold the same Estates with the Rights Members and Appurts to the same respectively belonging unto my said Son his heirs executors admors and assigns for ever according to the nature of the said Estates respectively Provided always nevertheless and it is my will and mind and I do hereby direct that my daughter Ann Mason Widow shall be permitted to live in and occupy without paying any Rent for the same my mansion house at Dunningwell for and during the term of her natural life with the Coachhouse Out office and Buildings thereto belonging together with so much Land as she may find it necessary for the purpose of keeping her horses and cows and also subject nevertheless and I do hereby charge and make chargeable all my said Estates in Cumberland with the payment of an Annuity or clear yearly sum of ten pounds which I hereby give and bequeath unto my Sister Elizabeth Betts and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life and also subject to the payment of another Annuity or clear yearly sum of twenty pounds which I hereby give and bequeath to Ann Shepherd The natural daughter of my late Son Charles and her Assigns for and during the term of her natural life Both which Annuities I direct shall be paid at the times and in manner hereinafter mentioned free and clear of all Incumbrances or Deductions whatsoever either in respect of Property tax Legacy tax or otherwise and also subject to the payment of another Annuity or clear yearly sum of eight hundred Pounds which I hereby give and bequeath unto my said daughter Ann Mason and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life and also subject nevertheless as to my Estate called Water Blea In the said County of Cumberland to the payment of an Annuity or clear yearly sum of twenty pounds which I hereby give and bequeath unto my Sister Hannah Duggan and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life and I do direct the same to be paid clear of all deductions as aforesaid And I do hereby further order and direct that all the Annuities hereinbefore given by me and charged upon my respective estates as aforesaid shall be paid to the said Annuitants respectively or their Assigns by two equal half yearly payments in any year to wit on Lady day and Michaelmas Day and the first payment to be made on such of those days are shall first happen next after my decease and my will is that in case all or any of the said Annuities or Yearly Sums hereinbefore by me given shall be in Arrear and unpaid being lawfully demanded By the span of twenty days next over or after any of the said half yearly days of payment whereon the same ought to be paid as aforesaid then it shall and may be lawful to and for all or any of the said Annuitants whose Annuities shall be so in Arrears and unpaid unto and upon my said Estates so charged therewith Respectively as aforesaid to enter And distrain for the same and the Distress or distresses then and there found to take lead drive and carry away Or otherwise to sell and dispose of the same according to law until they shall be fully paid and satisfied all such arrears together with the costs and charges of such distress or distresses provided and I do hereby recommend it to my said Son to let as Tenant unto my Servant Thomas Bishall at a reasonable rent in case he shall marry my old Servant Mrs Wilson my Farm in Cumberland called Low Shaw or any other of my Farms my said Son shall think most suitable for the said Thomas Bishall I give and devise unto my said daughter Anne Mason for and during the term of her natural life in case she shall so long continue to occupy the same but not otherwise all that my messuages or dwellinghouse with the Outbuildings and Appurts thereunto belonging situate and being at Moor Gate in the Town of Retford in the County of Nottingham and from and immediately after the death of my said daughter or her discontinuing to occupy the same I give and devised the same Messuages or Dwelling house the outbuildings and Appurts thereto belonging unto my said Son John To hold to him his heirs and assigns for ever I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Anne Mason use of all my Furniture at Dunningwell for and during the term of her natural life All my plate whatsoever and wheresoever and of which I have a disposing power I give and bequeath to my said Son and daughter to be equally divided between them To my said daughter Anne Mason I give and bequeath the sum of eight hundred pounds which I direct shall be paid to her by my said Son within three Calendar Months next after my decease To Mrs Elizabeth Hamilton the Widow of the late Reverend Thomas Hamilton I give and bequeath the sum of twenty pounds for Mourning which I direct shall be paid to her by my said Son within one Calendar Month next after my decease All the rest residue and remainder of my Personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever not hereinbefore specifically dispose of I give and bequeath unto my said Son John Myers his heirs admors and assigns Subject to the payment of all my just debts funeral expenses and the costs and charges of proving and registering this my will And lastly I do hereby make nominate constitute and appoint my said Son John Myers Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made in Witness whereof I the said John Myers the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained in five sheets of paper attached together at the top to which to the first for sheets set my hand and to this fifth and last sheet set my hand and seal the day and year first herein – John Myers – signed sealed published and declared by the said John Myers the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and at his request have subscribed our Names as Witnesses in the presence of each other – John Lambert of Baildon – Sarah Cumin Servant to Mrs Mason – John Booth of Bradford Atty at Law