Letters about the ordination of John Myers of Edenham

These letters are in the Cumbrian archives (catalogue numbers DRC10/58/57 and 59), and refer to the ordination as priest of John Myers of Edenham.

Whitehaven October 27 1765
Notice was this morning read in The Trinity Chapel during the Time of Divine Service, that The Revd. Mr. John Myers intended to offer himself a Candidate for the holy order of Priest at the ordination to be held at Chester on the first day of November next by The Right Reverend Father in God The The Lord Bishop of Chester.
Witness My hand Tho. Sewel Minister

To The Right Reverend Father in God Edmund Lord Bishop of Chester
Whereas John Myers Clerk hath declared unto us his Intention of offering himself a Candidate for the holy order of Priest, and for that End hath requested our Letters Testimonial of his good Life & virtuous Conversation to be granted to him; we, Whose Names & Seals are hereunto Set, to testify by these Presents, that we have personally known the Life & Behaviour of the aforesaid John Myers Clerk for the space of fifteen Months now last past & that he hath during the said Time been a Person of good Life & religious Conversation, and have not so far as we know held or publish'd any thing but what the Church of England approves & maintains, & that he hath diligently, so far as he had Time & opportunity, pursued his studies, & moreover we deem him worthy to be admitted to the holy order of Priesthood, if your Lordship upon Examination finds him duly qualified, & are pleased to admit him thereto. Given under our hands & Seals the twenty Sixth Day of October in the year of our Lord 1765
Carwen Hudleston Minister of the Old Chapel of Wthaven
Thos. Spedding Minister of St. James's Church in Whitehaven
Will: Watts Rector of Moresby
Tho. Sewel Minister of Trinity Chapel in Whitehaven.