Letters about the ordination of John Myers of Edenham
These letters are in the Cumbrian archives (catalogue numbers DAC10/45/36-40), and refer to the ordination of John Myers of Edenham. They give some background on what he had been doing beforehand.
My Lord
Mr John Myers by your Lordship's Permission intends to offer himself for Deacons Orders, at your Lordship's insuing Ordination, finish'd his School Learning under the Care of Mr. James at St. Bees, where he resided near three years, and has spent the intermediate Time in teaching a School, at Gosforth, in this Neighbourhood; during which Space, in the Absence or Indisposition of Mr. Reay he read Prayers in both my Churches to the highest Satisfaction of all my Parishioners. He is a Person of Promising Abilities; and I am persuaded, as to his future Conduct will Answer your Lordship's Expectations. Your Lordship's further Indulgence in this Respect will be deem'd an additional Favour conferr'd on your Lordship's
Most dutiful Son and Servant:
George Cannell
Ponsonby September 10th 1763
Baptised in the Year 1739.
September 21st John Son of John Myers of Rally Green. This is a true Copy of the Register kept at Thwaites Chapel in the Parish of Millom, & County of Cumberland, taken out the fifth Day of September, in the Year of our Lord 1763. By me,
Danl Stephenson Minister
Witness John Stack Chapelwarden
To the Right Reverend Father in God, Edmund by Divine Permission, Lord Bishop of Chester.
These are to certify all whom it may come certain that I John Myers intending to offer myself Candidate for Deacons Orders at the first Ordination held by his Lordship the Bishop of Chester, do give Notice thereof that if any of you can shew any Cause why I ought not to be admitted to the Holy Order of a Deacon you may now signify the same to his Lordship, some time before the said Ordination.
We the Minister and Church Wardens of Gosforth do hereby Certify, That this Siquis was publickly read in Time of Divine Service in the Church of Gosforth and no Objection then made: as Witness our Hands this eleventh Day of September one Thousand seven Hundred Sixty and three.
Peter Murthwaite Minister
Henry Dixon Stephen Hartley Church Wardens
To the Right Reverend Father in God, Edmund by Divine Permission Lord Bishop of Chester.
May it please your Lordship, We whose Names are hereunto subscrib'd, humbly beg Leave to certify your Lordship that we have Personally known Mr. John Myers for the Space of three Years last past, and that we believe him to be a Person, of a sober and religious Life and Conversation, well affected to the Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England, a loyal Subject to his Majesty King George, and worthy to be admitted to the office of a Deacon, if your Lordship in your Wisdom shall think fit. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our Hands and Seals this tenth Day of September one Thousand seven Hundred Sixty and three.
John James Master of St. Bees School
George Cannell Minister of Haile and Ponsonby
William Scott Minister of St. Bees.
To the Right Reverend Father in God, Edmund by Divine Permission Lord Bishop of Chester.
I George Cannell Minister of Hail and Ponsonby in your Lordship's Diocese of Chester, do hereby nominate and appoint Mr. John Myers of Gosforth to perform the Office of an Assistant Curate in my said Churches of Hail and Ponsonby. And I do promise to allow him the yearly Sum of fifteen Pounds for his Maintenance and Support, while he shall continue to Officiate as my Assistant.
And I do solemnly declare, that I do not give this Nomination merely to entitle the said John Myers to receive Holy Orders, but with a real Intention to continue him as my Curate in the said Churches, until he shall be otherwise provided of some Ecclesiastical Preferment, unless for some Fault by him committed, he shall be legally remov'd from the same.
In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my Hand, this tenth Day of September 1763
George Cannell Minister of Haile and Ponsonby