John Myers of Dunningwell

Born ca. 1711 and died 21 November 1795.

Married to a lady named Hannah. Issue 4 sons and 4 daughters:

  1. Robert Myers

  2. Easter or Esther Myers. Born about 1737, and baptised at Millom 18 September 1737.

    Married at St. Peter's in Liverpool on October 24 1773 to John Dixon, tanner.

  3. Rev John Myers of Edenham.

  4. William Myers, born 1742 and died 1743.

  5. Elizabeth Myers, born about 1743 and baptised at Thwaites 27 December 1743.

    Married firstly at St Marylebone, London, on 17 April 1775 to William Lewis. Married secondly at St. Andrew, Holborn, 13 February 1794, to James Betts.

  6. Hannah Myers, born about 1746 and baptised at Millom, Cumberland, 11 May 1746. Died 1823 at Stamford, Lincolnshire.

    Married 2 December 1776 at St. Peter, Liverpool, to Thomas Duggan, watchmaker.

  7. Rev David Myers. Born about 1749, baptised 6 August 1749 at Thwaites, and died at Greatford, Lincolnshire, 1 December 1780. Ordained deacon by the Bishop of Lincoln 22 September 1771, and licensed to the curacies of Great and Little Bytham in Lincolnshire (on a stipend of £40). Priest 19 September 1773, and signs the registers at Edenham as Curate.

    Married at Hale, Lancashire, on 27 September 1768 to Ann Thompson, who was born in about 1751. She remarried at Greatford on 27 October 1782 to William Roden, and died in 1806.

    Lately, at Gretford, near Stamford, aged 56, Mrs. Roden, wife of Mr. William Roden, (steward to Dr. Willis) a native of Hail, and sister in law to the Rev Mr Myers, of Shipley Hall, Yorkshire. Cumberland Pacquet, and Ware's Whitehaven Advertiser, Tuesday 7 January 1806

    Issue two sons and two daughters:

    1. John Walker Myers, baptised 14 May 1769 at Haile in Cumberland, and buried 14 August 1800 at St. Anne, Soho. Apprenticed at Stationer's Hall as a Stationer on 7 February 1786 to Henry Sampson Woodfall, and admitted a freeman of the City of London 9 April 1793. Resided at Paternoster Row until his death, working as a printer.

      Wednesday night died, Mr. J. W. Myers, printer, No. 2 Paternoster-row, London, brother to Mr. Myers, mercer, of this place. Stamford Mercury, 8 August 1800

      Mr. J. W. Myers, printer, Paternoster-row, brother of Mr. M., mercer, of Stamford. Being a member of the Royal Westminster Volunteers, he was interred with military honours.Gents Mag, August 1800, p804

    2. David Thompson Myers.

    3. Ann Myers, baptised 24 March 1774 at Greatford, and buried there 30 May 1778.

    4. Hannah Ann Myers, baptised at Greatford 28 September 1778.

  8. Ann Myers, born about 1752, baptised 5 November 1752 at Thwaites, and died 12 December 1805 at Thwaites.

    Married at Millom 1 January 1775 (or possibly at Thwaites 12 February 1775) to Thomas Towers of Arnaby, Tailor.

    Lately, at Dunning Well, in Millam, Mrs. Towers, wife of Mr. Towers, and sister to the Rev. Mr. Myers of Shipley Hall. Cumberland Pacquet, and Ware's Whitehaven Advertiser, Tuesday 7 January 1806